Gaelic basketball (10 minutes)
pull-ups (regular grip)
10 push presses
10 squats
10 pushups
Samson stretch
Metcon Workout
Tabata plate workout with 8 sets of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest (4 min. total) of each of the following exercises:
- Halo (arms elevated and weight revolves around the head)
- Side to side (weight is fully extended to the side and then lifted overhead to
the other side. Lather. Rinse. Repeat)
- Squats (plate is held close to body for regular squats)
- Overhead press (weight is lifted from chest to above the head)
Strength Exercise
Front squat 5 x 5
Fast footwork, juggling, futsal. We started recording the juggling scores today, which we will do throughout the remainder of June. The scores were very respectable with seven with over 50 juggles, but a special "shout out" goes to D. (332), J. (290), and C. (116). Well done.