
Your source for all the news about the Fulton High School boys soccer team.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9th: 7 v 7 Opens Tonight

Today we concentrated mostly on arms and core in an effort to save the legs for 7 v 7 in Jefferson City tonight. We apparently succeeded as the boys won both games. Good job, guys.


10 (or max) pull-ups (reverse grip)
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
10 push presses (bar)
Samson stretch

Metcon WOD

Partners take turns completing:

10 Turkish get-ups
10 push-ups
10 jumping jacks

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 20 minutes

Strength Exercise

Hang Cleans 5 x 5


Fast footwork, juggling, keep-away, and futsal.